What is the difference on this sneaker than other sneakers.
That is the question that we have asked ourselves as well as we have developed The One, a shoe that says you don’t need to make any compromises when it comes to your footwear. This is a multi-purpose shoe that sits comfortably at the crossroads of fashion and function, its insoles specially manufactured for people who know that great walking shoes (and running shoes!) don’t need to look bulky or unwieldy. Finding the perfect footwear can be very difficult; most stylish shoes simply aren’t easy on your feet. On the other hand, the majority of orthopedic sneakers are not generally known for being big fashion statements. This meant you had to choose between comfort shoes and stylish shoes. That, however, is about to change. With The One, you don’t have to choose anymore. There are similar products on the market, but they are flawed in one way or the other: either their aesthetic design leaves a lot to be desired or they do not adjust well for comfort. The One is different, what makes it different is that it has 2 pairs of superior insoles compared to other sneakers. FEAR0 IS A TRADEMARK COMPANY IN NEW JERSEY.